Chrissy Teigen is a supermodel, stretch marks and all.
Credit: Getty Images

Between her seriously mouthwateringkitchen concoctionsand hergorgeous musicianhusband, John Legend, it's clear that Teigen lives quite the enviable life. But the real reason she has 2 millionInstagram followersis that she isn't afraid to show what's really happening behind the scenes of her glamorous life—ever. And herpost from Sundaymay be her best yet.

Seated cross-legged, Teigen snapped a picture of just her lower half, showing off a couple bruises from cooking up a storm, and stretch marks on her inner thighs.

“Bruises from bumping kitchen drawer handles for a week. Stretchies say hi!” she wrote in the caption.

Supermodels aren’t typically the best people to look to forbody image inspiration, but Teigen is now the exception to that rule. The comments on the photo are filled with notes of thanks from her followers for showing that yep, don't let the pretty pics fool you, stretch marks happen to everyone.

“I've never seen anyone else with inner thighstretch marks. Those are the ones I have that bother me the most. Especially since I haven't had children. This really means a lot to see someone so beautiful be confident and real enough to show something like this. :)” wrote one commenter, lov3life8.

“Finally a celebrity who can say, hi I am aHUMANand I'm {beautiful} just the way I am!” adds another, marygastonn.

There are countless creams and potions out there to get rid of stretch marks (and there are real things you can do toto get rid of them, if you want). But you know what? Giving them a nickname and letting them be isn't a bad plan either.

Teigen reminds us that everyone should embrace their own “perfect imperfections.”