There's a lot of false information about coronavirus circulating, even one year later. Here's what you need to know.


It's been over a year sinceCOVID-19, the illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus, started to spread across the world. On March 11, 2020, the health crisis was labeled apandemicby the World Health Organization (WHO).

We're much more aware of the risks of COVID-19 now, as well as what we need to do to curb the spread of the virus. However, myths still circulate. Here are some of the some persistent myths surrounding COVID-19—and what the experts have to say about them.

Myth 1: Hand dryers can kill the new coronavirus

This was a myth that started early in the pandemic, and it's still not true, says theWHO.

The best way to protect yourself against COVID-19 is to wash your hands frequently (or clean them with an alcohol-based hand rub), then dry them thoroughly with paper towels or a warm air dryer.

Myth 2: An ultraviolet disinfection lamp can kill the new coronavirus

So, it's true that some hospitals use UV light to kill microbes on surfaces—like in operating rooms or labs—but, per the WHO, UV lamps should never be used to sterilize hands or skin, as they can cause skin irritation.

Myth 3: Thermal scanners are effective in detecting people infected with the new coronavirus

This one's twofold: While thermal scanners can detect fevers (aka, a higher than normal body temperatures) in those infected with the coronavirus, they cannot detect the infection in those who are not yet showing symptoms. "This is because it takes between 2 and 10 days before people who are infected become sick and develop a fever," the WHO explains.

还需要注意:流感也会造成similarsymptoms to COVID-19, including a fever—so just because someone has a fever doesn't necessarily mean they've been infected with the new coronavirus.

Myth 4: Spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body can kill the new coronavirus

While spraying alcohol and chlorine is a great method to disinfect surfaces—and even using an alcohol-basedhand sanitizercan help keep your hands clean—using the chemicals all over your body isn't going to kill the virus if you've already been infected. "Spraying such substances can be harmful to clothes or mucous membranes (i.e. eyes, mouth)," the WHO points out.

Myth 5: It isn't safe to receive a letter or a package from China

冠状病毒像SARS-CoV-2被认为是spread most often by respiratory droplets. Although the virus can survive for a short period on some surfaces, it is unlikely to be spread from domestic or international mail, products, or packaging, says theCDC. However, it may be possible that people can get COVID-19 by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching their own mouth, nose, or possibly their eyes, but this is not thought to be the main way the virus spreads.

Believing and spreading the message that it's not safe to get something through the mail from China is harmful because it helps perpetuate the stigmatization of specific populations linked to COVID-19. This stigma—which can force people to hide their illnesses, prevent people from getting health care immediately, and discourage people from following healthy behaviors—can lead to more severe health problems and ongoing transmission, per the WHO.

Myth 6: Pets can spread the new coronavirus

We still don't know the exact source of the COVID-19 outbreak, but theCDCsays it originally came from an animal, likely a bat. However, there's no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading the virus to people, and the CDC says the risk is considered to be low.

More research is required to understand if and how different animals could be affected by COVID-19. In the cases of animals with COVID-19 that have been confirmed, it appears that the transmission was from people to animals and not the other way around.

However, it's still advisable to make sure your pets follow some of the same preventive COVID-19 measures that you practice. For instance, don't let your pets interact with people or other animals outside the household, and avoid dog parks or other crowded areas where people and animals play. TheFood and Drug Administration(FDA) says to keep at least 6 feet of space from other people and animals when you're walking your dog.

The CDC says people with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 should avoid contact with animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife. And if you get sick with COVID-19, isolate yourself from your pet as well as other people and animals, says the CDC. (Ask a friend or family member to care for your pet until you recover.)

Myth 7: Pneumonia vaccines can protect you against the new coronavirus

Currently, there are three vaccines in the US to protect you against coronavirus—from Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson). They all have high rates of efficacy: 95%, 94%, and 65%, respectively.

So there's absolutely no need to get another type of vaccine, such as a pneumonia vaccine, to protect against COVID-19. And in any case, it wouldn't work! Each new virus needs its own vaccine.

Myth 8: Regularly rinsing your nose with saline can help prevent infection with the new coronavirus

While regularly rinsing your nose with saline may help you recover more quickly from thecommon cold, it hasn't been shown to help prevent respiratory infections in general, including coronavirus.

Keep in mind too, when you do rinse your nose with saline to help cold symptoms, make sure the product is sterile. And if you opt for aneti pot, make sure that water has also been sterilized—either distilled water or water that's been boiled and then cooled back down—instead of tap water, which can increase your risk of infection.

Myth 9: Eating garlic can help prevent infection with the new coronavirus

If you've ever eaten a piece of raw garlic, you know that stuff ispungent—but it won't protect you against illness. Despite having some antimicrobial properties, according to the WHO, "there is no evidence" from the current outbreak that the potent herb will protect you from coronavirus.

Myth 10: Slathering yourself in sesame oil can block the new coronavirus from entering the body

It's not entirely clear where this myth come from, but rubbing sesame oil all over your body definitely won't keep the coronavirus away.

Per the WHO, "there are some chemical disinfectants that can kill the 2019-nCoV on surfaces," including bleach and chlorine-based disinfectants, ether solvents, 75% ethanol, peracetic acid, and chloroform."However, they have little or no impact on the virus if you put them on the skin or under your nose." In fact, it can even be downright dangerous to put those chemicals on your skin.

Myth 11:The new coronavirus only affects older people


The WHO points out that "older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes,heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable to becoming severely ill with the virus."

However, anybody can have a severe form of the illness. According to theCDC, some children develop severe COVID-19 illness, and the risk is greater for those with certain underlying medical conditions—research is ongoing to determine which conditions are associated with increased risk.

The CDC notes that children with the following conditions might be at increased risk for severe illness: obesity, medical complexity, severe genetic disorders, severe neurologic disorders, inherited metabolic disorders, sickle cell disease, congenital (since birth) heart disease, diabetes, chronickidney disease, asthma and other chronic lung disease, and immunosuppression due to malignancy or immune-weakening medications.

Myth 12: Antibiotics are effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus

Keep in mind that antibiotics do not work against viruses of any kind—only bacteria. So, because the new coronavirus is an actual virus, "antibiotics should not be used as a means of prevention or treatment."

In fact, there are no specific medications recommended to treat or prevent the new coronavirus at all, per the WHO. "However, those infected with the virus should receive appropriate care to relieve and treat symptoms, and those with severe illness should receive optimized supportive care," the WHO explains, adding that some specific treatments are also under investigation, and will be tested through clinical trials.

Myth 13: Wealthy elites intentionally spread the virus to win power and profit

The unsubstantiated claims that Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci used their power to profit from COVID-19 exploded following a 26-minuteconspiracy theory filmnamedPlandemic, featuring discredited former research scientist Judy Mikovits, PhD. The film was widely shared by anti-vaxxers and the conspiracy theory group QAnon, and it was viewed millions of times on social media before it was taken down.

Over the following months, severalfact-checking websitesfound that the film was full of misinformation and false claims about Gates and Dr. Fauci.

Myth 14: COVID-19 is no worse than the flu

From the early days of the pandemic, many people—including former president Donald Trump—repeatedly claimed that COVID-19 was no more dangerous than the flu that does the rounds every winter.

Although we don't know COVID-19's exact mortality rate, epidemiologists believe it is far higher than that of the flu. TheCDCestimates that the flu causes roughly 12,000 to 61,000 deaths per year in the US. But to date, COVID-19 has caused more than 535,000 deaths in the country, according to theJohns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.

Plus, a lot of people have some level of immunity to the flu because of vaccination or prior infection, but COVID-19 is a new illness.

Myth 15: Warmer weather will stop the spread of the coronavirus

Friendly reminder: As of March 2021, the US has experienced one summer with COVID-19—and the warm weather didn't do much for slowing down the virus. Research backs this up, too; in October,researchersat the University of Texas at Austin said that the virus spreads with about the same efficiency regardless of air temperature and humidity.

This contradicted an earlierreportfrom the US Department of Homeland Security suggesting that increased summer temperatures, humidity, and sunlight could present a barrier to COVID-19 transmission.

Experts agree that human behavior remains the biggest factor in the spread of COVID-19.

Another thing to consider is that hot weather increases the risk for hospitalization and death, especially among older adults, whose bodies have to work harder to adjust to temperature changes. The bottom line? This could put additional stress on hospitals and health care systems around the country that are fighting to recover from the burden of COVID-19 outbreaks.

Myth 16: If you wear a face mask, you don't need to socially distance

TheCDCrecommends that people wear masks in public settings, at events and gatherings, and anywhere they will be around other people. This is to protect other people, as well as yourself. However, a mask isn't a substitute for social distancing, and should be worn in addition to staying at least six feet apart from others who don't live in your household.

To slow the spread of COVID-19, the CDC recommends that all people wear cloth face coverings in public areas where it is difficult to maintain a six-foot distance from others.

Myth 17: 5G spreads the virus

Another COVID-19 conspiracy theory is that thevirus is spread by 5G, a broadband cellular network. Supporters of this myth often refer to a 2011 paper, published, in which the authors conclude that bacteria can communicate via electromagnetic signals. But the theory has been disputed by experts, who point out that for starters, SARS-CoV-2 is a virus and not a bacterium.

It's also important to note that the illness has wreaked havoc across countries with very little 5G coverage, such as Iran.

Myth 18: You don't need to socially distance if you've already been infected

Right now, we still don't know whether a previous confirmed COVID-19 infection gives someone extended immunity. Until we do, it's really important to continue to take the same precautions as everybody else.

Two other illnesses caused by coronaviruses, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS), leave survivors with an immune response can last for months to years. Hopefully, that will be the case with COVID-19, but only time—and science—will tell. In the meantime, follow the CDC's recommendations: Wash your hands frequently, wear aface maskin public, and keep at least six feet of distance between yourself and others.

The information in this story is accurate as of press time. However, as the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, it's possible that some data have changed since publication. While Health is trying to keep our stories as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using theCDC,WHO, and their local public health department as resources.

To get our top stories delivered to your inbox, sign up for theHealthy Living newsletter

The virus that causes COVID-19 is called SARS-CoV-2, short for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. It is a type of coronavirus similar to the one that causes SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Fever or chills", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 1922, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T13:28:07.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Fever dreams", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 99301, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Diarrhea or loose stools", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 18023, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:34:14.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 2522, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T01:44:52.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "This is not a possible symptom of COVID-19:", "question_id": "Q2", "answer_description": "

You might have wild dreams when you're ill—fever can do that. But bizarre or emotionally intense fever dreams are not recognized as a symptom of COVID-19.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Wear a mask", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 7503, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T12:53:51.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Wash your hands", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 42403, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:44:51.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Maintain social distance from others", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6600, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T11:54:53.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Wipe down groceries packaged in cardboard or plastic wrap with bleach", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 65264, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "To slow the spread of COVID-19, don't do this:", "question_id": "Q3", "answer_description": "

CDC specifically warns against using disinfecting products on food or food packaging. You don't want to accidentally taint your food. Plus, the risk of COVID-19 from handling or consuming food is thought to be low. Use disinfectants like bleach to wipe down tables, countertops, and faucets

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "A multi-layer medical procedure mask (aka a surgical mask or disposable face mask)", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 9851, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T13:57:21.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A mask with a vent or valve", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 86034, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A cloth mask made of two or more breathable, washable layers", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 19711, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:39:16.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A cloth mask over a surgical mask", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6173, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T12:53:51.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which masking option is least effective for stopping the spread of COVID-19?", "question_id": "Q4", "answer_description": "

If your mask has a vent or valve, respiratory particles may escape and reach other people. Opt instead for a well-fitting mask with multiple layers, or wear a cloth mask over a disposable mask to secure the underlying mask to your face.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Anal swab testing", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 103711, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Nasal swab testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 12089, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:27:47.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Saliva testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 3457, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T13:16:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Throat swab testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 2512, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:44:51.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which COVID-19 screening method is not routinely in use in the US?", "question_id": "Q5", "answer_description": "

Most diagnostic tests rely on mucus collected from your nose or throat, and some use saliva that you spit into a test tube. While China is using anal swab testing, that method hasn't caught on in the US.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "2 to 12 hours", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 5692, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T10:03:51.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "3 days", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 27366, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:34:14.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "14 days", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 87848, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "30 days", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 863, "lastModified": "2021-11-08T18:40:22.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "How long is the incubation period—the amount time from when you are infected with the novel coronavirus to when you exhibit symptoms?", "question_id": "Q6", "answer_description": "

The incubation is thought to be 14 days, with a median of 4 to 5 days. (But keep in mind that some people never develop symptoms).

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "A variant", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 83058, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A high viral load", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 9562, "lastModified": "2021-11-12T23:50:11.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A vaccine", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 11469, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T11:23:00.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Another virus, like influenza", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 17681, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T13:28:07.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "A mutated version of the virus that causes COVID-19 is called:", "question_id": "Q7", "answer_description": "

Variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been identified in the US and around the world. Scientists are studying these variants to learn how they spread and whether current vaccines will protect against them.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Researchers have coined the term \"coronaphobia\" to describe the fear of contracting COVID-19", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 10375, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:39:16.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "The virus that causes COVID-19 can sometimes spread through tiny airborne particles", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 14897, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T13:28:07.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "The term \"long-haulers\" refers to people who experience long-term coronavirus symptoms", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6499, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T07:11:06.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "COVID-19 is just like having the seasonal flu", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 90000, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which of the following statements is false?", "question_id": "Q8", "answer_description": "

Early on, some people speculated that the novel coronavirus would behave like the seasonal flu. Now we know COVID-19 is much more contagious and spreads more rapidly than influenza.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Women who want to become pregnant some day", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 11336, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:38:42.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Anyone who has had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to any vaccine ingredient", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 67970, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "People who have recovered from COVID-19", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 10109, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:44:51.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "People with underlying medical conditions", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 32355, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T12:06:52.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Who should not get a COVID-19 vaccine?", "question_id": "Q9", "answer_description": "

CDC does not recommend COVID vaccination if you've had a severe allergic reaction to any COVID vaccine ingredient. Contact your doctor if you have questions about whether it's safe for you to be vaccinated.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "You can't get COVID-19 from a COVID-19 shot", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 20015, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:59:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Side effects are generally mild and short-lived", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 8005, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T14:44:51.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "It can take a few weeks after getting vaccinated for your body to build immunity to the virus", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 4715, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T09:02:59.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "None of the above", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 89035, "lastModified": "2021-11-14T15:44:52.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which of the following statements about COVID-19 are false?", "question_id": "Q10", "answer_description": "

Vaccination is safe, effective, and an important tool for beating the pandemic.

" } ], "description": "

News about the novel coronavirus is breaking nearly 24-7, which makes it challenging at best to keep up with the latest scientific evidence, especially when you're bombarded by false or misleading claims on social media. So how much do you really know about COVID-19? Take our quiz to gauge how knowledgeable you are.

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Time to bone up on the basic facts about COVID-19. Check out our COVID-19 condition center and subscribe to our daily Healthy Living newsletter and never miss an update.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here's How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "Not Much." }, { "result_starting_range": 4, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Learn Some More", "src": "®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 6, "result_description": "

Not bad, but there’s much more to know about this illness. Subscribe to our daily Healthy Living newsletter and never miss an update.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "You Know Some Things About Some Things." }, { "result_starting_range": 7, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Stay Updated with Newsletters", "src": "®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 8, "result_description": "

Terrific. Keep reading about COIVD-19 on and stay safe!


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "You Are Certified to Debate on Social Media." }, { "result_starting_range": 9, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Sign Up for Newsletters", "src": "®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 10, "result_description": "

You are definitely in the know! Keep coming back to for the latest information.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

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