
Updated 6月30日,2020年

随着COVID-19继续在美国蔓延,更多的潜力和确认疾病的症状已经被发现了。除了最常见的症状(发热呼吸急促, 和干咳),新冠肺炎还表现为结膜炎(又名,红眼病),皮疹, 和像腹泻等消化问题.最近几个月,皮肤科医生一直在调查被称为“COVID脚趾”的冠状病毒感染的另一个潜在迹象。

最初来自4月9日共享的新闻稿,由西班牙的摩托车官方大学大学总理分享,后富牛犬开始“注册众多病人,主要是儿童和年轻人,他们脚上有小皮肤病学病变” -有时在没有其他Covid-19症状的情况下;有时在出现其他症状之前。根据理事会的那些病变是“紫色”,通常出现在脚趾的尖端周围,但它们通常会愈合而不留下皮肤上的标记。理事会将标志与那些结果的标志进行了比较水痘麻疹,或pernio(暴露于极冷温度后出现的小损伤)。


在四月份,国际足病医师联合会发布了一个案例研究,详细说明了类似的发现,描述了一个13岁的男孩,突然患上两只脚的病变。两天后,他介绍了一般的Covid-19症状 - 发烧,肌肉疼痛,和头痛 - 随着“脚病变的强烈瘙痒和燃烧”。这个男孩从未测试过Covid-19,也不是任何其他家庭成员,但他的姐姐和母亲在男孩的症状出现之前表现出冠状病毒的症状。每周报告,男孩的脚病变开始在一周内清除。这美国皮肤病学会甚至有自己的皮肤问题登记册,可能与COVID-19有关,包括“COVID脚趾”,以便更好地了解两者之间的联系。





在四月份,国际足病医师联合会发布了一个案例研究,详细说明了类似的发现,描述了一个13岁的男孩,突然患上两只脚的病变。两天后,他介绍了一般的Covid-19症状 - 发烧,肌肉疼痛,和头痛 - 随着“脚病变的强烈瘙痒和燃烧”。这个男孩从未测试过Covid-19,也不是任何其他家庭成员,但他的姐姐和母亲在男孩的症状出现之前表现出冠状病毒的症状。每周报告,男孩的脚病变开始在一周内清除。这美国皮肤病学会甚至有自己的皮肤问题登记册,可能与COVID-19有关,包括“COVID脚趾”,以便更好地了解两者之间的联系。


在新闻发布中西北医学,皮肤科医生艾米·帕尔勒,也指出,反应可能是免疫应答,再次将其与Pernio相似。“Pernio,这种情况类似但是对寒冷的反应,涉及夹紧这些小血管 - 并且我们认为这可能发生这种情况,响应于炎症,可能导致对Covid-19病毒的反应的一部分,“ 她说。

桑托耶特,萨洛瓦皮肤科董事会认证的皮肤科医生和首席医学官员同意,同意,补充说它也可能与对Covid-19感染的免疫系统反应有关。“特定的免疫系统反应...... [那]可能会迅速发展到Covid-19并导致这些奇怪的结果,”他解释道。



最终,根据萨迪博士的说法,“COVID脚趾”仍然是一个问号。“就像这种病毒的所有方面一样,有很多东西需要了解,”她说,但皮肤科医生和患者都应该意识到潜在的症状。和往常一样,如果你注意到这种新症状,或任何其他与covid -19相关的症状,最好打电话给你的医生,询问下一步的诊断和治疗。



The virus that causes COVID-19 is called SARS-CoV-2, short for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2. It is a type of coronavirus similar to the one that causes SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Fever or chills", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 1715, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T10:40:16.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Fever dreams", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 87305, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Diarrhea or loose stools", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 16470, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T13:33:50.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Breathing difficulties or shortness of breath", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 2278, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T06:32:03.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "This is not a possible symptom of COVID-19:", "question_id": "Q2", "answer_description": "

You might have wild dreams when you're ill—fever can do that. But bizarre or emotionally intense fever dreams are not recognized as a symptom of COVID-19.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Wear a mask", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6802, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T08:34:14.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Wash your hands", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 42231, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T03:50:07.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Maintain social distance from others", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6252, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T13:46:06.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Wipe down groceries packaged in cardboard or plastic wrap with bleach", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 52484, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "To slow the spread of COVID-19, don't do this:", "question_id": "Q3", "answer_description": "

CDC specifically warns against using disinfecting products on food or food packaging. You don't want to accidentally taint your food. Plus, the risk of COVID-19 from handling or consuming food is thought to be low. Use disinfectants like bleach to wipe down tables, countertops, and faucets

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "A multi-layer medical procedure mask (aka a surgical mask or disposable face mask)", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 8606, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T12:46:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A mask with a vent or valve", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 77492, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:10:20.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A cloth mask made of two or more breathable, washable layers", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 16769, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T12:44:27.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A cloth mask over a surgical mask", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 4901, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which masking option is least effective for stopping the spread of COVID-19?", "question_id": "Q4", "answer_description": "

If your mask has a vent or valve, respiratory particles may escape and reach other people. Opt instead for a well-fitting mask with multiple layers, or wear a cloth mask over a disposable mask to secure the underlying mask to your face.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Anal swab testing", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 91735, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Nasal swab testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 11118, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T13:54:02.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Saliva testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 2939, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T03:09:07.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Throat swab testing", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 1976, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T03:11:32.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which COVID-19 screening method is not routinely in use in the US?", "question_id": "Q5", "answer_description": "

Most diagnostic tests rely on mucus collected from your nose or throat, and some use saliva that you spit into a test tube. While China is using anal swab testing, that method hasn't caught on in the US.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "2 to 12 hours", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 4804, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T08:34:14.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "3 days", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 22869, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T13:45:53.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "14 days", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 79316, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "30 days", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 780, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T04:06:40.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "How long is the incubation period—the amount time from when you are infected with the novel coronavirus to when you exhibit symptoms?", "question_id": "Q6", "answer_description": "

The incubation is thought to be 14 days, with a median of 4 to 5 days. (But keep in mind that some people never develop symptoms).

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "A variant", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 69690, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A high viral load", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 9409, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T08:04:47.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "A vaccine", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 11288, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T01:53:57.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Another virus, like influenza", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 17382, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T03:50:07.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "A mutated version of the virus that causes COVID-19 is called:", "question_id": "Q7", "answer_description": "

Variants of the virus that causes COVID-19 have been identified in the US and around the world. Scientists are studying these variants to learn how they spread and whether current vaccines will protect against them.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Researchers have coined the term \"coronaphobia\" to describe the fear of contracting COVID-19", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 8306, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T13:45:53.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "The virus that causes COVID-19 can sometimes spread through tiny airborne particles", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 14242, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T09:50:09.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "The term \"long-haulers\" refers to people who experience long-term coronavirus symptoms", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 5661, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T01:01:10.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "COVID-19 is just like having the seasonal flu", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 79561, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which of the following statements is false?", "question_id": "Q8", "answer_description": "

Early on, some people speculated that the novel coronavirus would behave like the seasonal flu. Now we know COVID-19 is much more contagious and spreads more rapidly than influenza.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "Women who want to become pregnant some day", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 10797, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T09:50:09.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Anyone who has had a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) to any vaccine ingredient", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 56404, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:10:20.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "People who have recovered from COVID-19", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 9580, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T01:53:57.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "People with underlying medical conditions", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 30988, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Who should not get a COVID-19 vaccine?", "question_id": "Q9", "answer_description": "

CDC does not recommend COVID vaccination if you've had a severe allergic reaction to any COVID vaccine ingredient. Contact your doctor if you have questions about whether it's safe for you to be vaccinated.

" }, { "answer_choices": [ { "answer_title": "You can't get COVID-19 from a COVID-19 shot", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A1", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 16259, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:20:38.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "Side effects are generally mild and short-lived", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A2", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 6460, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T06:24:56.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "It can take a few weeks after getting vaccinated for your body to build immunity to the virus", "correct_answer": false, "answer_id": "A3", "answer_value": 0, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 3917, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T02:23:27.000Z" } }, { "answer_title": "None of the above", "correct_answer": true, "answer_id": "A4", "answer_value": 1, "$vf_selected_count": { "value": 81133, "lastModified": "2021-07-26T14:21:56.000Z" } } ], "answer_type": "text", "question_title": "Which of the following statements about COVID-19 are false?", "question_id": "Q10", "answer_description": "

Vaccination is safe, effective, and an important tool for beating the pandemic.

" } ], "description": "

News about the novel coronavirus is breaking nearly 24-7, which makes it challenging at best to keep up with the latest scientific evidence, especially when you're bombarded by false or misleading claims on social media. So how much do you really know about COVID-19? Take our quiz to gauge how knowledgeable you are.

", "gate": "none", "intro_page": true, "uuid": "c5d20a0c-6b54-4691-ac5b-7362b5c9e58c", "brand": "health", "headline": "Quiz: How Much Do You Know About Coronavirus?", "results": [ { "result_starting_range": 0, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Start Learning More", "src": "https://x.specialoffers.meredith.com/ats/show.aspx?cr=588&fm=201®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 3, "result_description": "

Time to bone up on the basic facts about COVID-19. Check out our COVID-19 condition center and subscribe to our daily Healthy Living newsletter and never miss an update.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here's How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "Not Much." }, { "result_starting_range": 4, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Learn Some More", "src": "https://x.specialoffers.meredith.com/ats/show.aspx?cr=588&fm=201®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 6, "result_description": "

Not bad, but there’s much more to know about this illness. Subscribe to our daily Healthy Living newsletter and never miss an update.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "You Know Some Things About Some Things." }, { "result_starting_range": 7, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Stay Updated with Newsletters", "src": "https://x.specialoffers.meredith.com/ats/show.aspx?cr=588&fm=201®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 8, "result_description": "

Terrific. Keep reading about COIVD-19 on Health.com and stay safe!


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

", "result_title": "You Are Certified to Debate on Social Media." }, { "result_starting_range": 9, "button": { "_type": "button", "title": "Sign Up for Newsletters", "src": "https://x.specialoffers.meredith.com/ats/show.aspx?cr=588&fm=201®source=20571" }, "result_ending_range": 10, "result_description": "

You are definitely in the know! Keep coming back to Health.com for the latest information.


More on COVID-19:


Is the Coronavirus Worse Than the Flu? Here’s How the Two Illnesses Compare


Living Through a Pandemic: A Guide to Surviving the New Normal


Coronavirus 101: Symptoms, Transmission, Severity and More


While Health is trying to keep our content as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDCWHO, and their local public health department as resources.

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