"I still love you, but more like a friend at this point."

Ending any important relationship requires some care and attention—even if it’s just your relationship with your local gym.

That’s what Reddit userMastrrbasserdiscovered when he attempted to cancel his membership at his neighborhoodPlanet Fitness.

Told he couldn’t cancel over the phone, he typed up one of the most magnificent breakup letters we’ve ever read and posted it on Reddit under the title: “Planet Fitness wouldn’t let me cancel over the phone and required a certified letter to cancel since I live in a different state now. I dropped this in the mail today.”

The letter is truly a work of art. "It is with deep regret and a heavy heart that I write this letter,” he began. “Certain events in my life have put me in a different place, and while it was one of the more taxing decisions I’ve had to make of late, it is the right one. The purpose of this letter is to end my relationship with Planet Fitness Orange.”

他解释说,他在他的移动表示一个新的健身房apartment building "with a state-of-the-art whatchamacallit." Like any classic breakup, he offers his condolences and expresses his lingering adoration. "I don’t want you to be jealous, or to judge me based on this decision. That’s not the Planet Fitness that I know and love. I still love you, but more like a friend at this point. I’m sorry things couldn’t have been better between us."

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The gym does indeed state pretty clearly on itswebsitethat breaking up—err, canceling a membership—by phone or email isn’t allowed. "We hate to see you go! But if you must, the process is easy," the website states, although Mastrrbasser might beg to differ. "You can fill out a cancellation form at the front desk of your home club, or send a letter (preferably via certified mail) to your club requesting cancellation. Memberships can’t, unfortunately, be canceled by email or phone."

No word yet on whether or not Mastrrbasser has unfollowed Planet Fitness on Instagram and blocked its texts. But he did amend one final gem to his letter: "P.S. My wife also needs to cancel her membership."

Update:Planet Fitness has responded–in style.


In an email to Health.com, a public relations representative said the gym “received the message loud and clear” and wanted to write back. The gym has graciously bowed out of this relationship with a classic line: “You know what they say though, if you love something set it free… You’ll come back, they always do.”