Last updated:Nov 01, 2012
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家庭成员自杀是惊喜not uncommon. Thewarning signs of suicidecan be difficult for family and friends to spot, even in someone with a history of depression or other mental health problems.

Suicide and suicidal thinking is more widespread than you might think. According to the results of a government survey released in September 2009, roughly 8.3 million adults—or about 3.7% of the population age 18 and older—had “serious thoughts of suicide” in 2008.

How can you identify suicidal thinking in a loved one before its too late? There is no foolproof checklist to follow, but there are some telltale signs that should spur you to intervene and seek the help of a mental health professional.

A diagnosis of depression or bipolar disorder
The symptoms of mental health conditions such asdepressionand bipolar disorder are the main factors that drive people to consider harming themselves. Depression is a chronic condition and it tends to recur, especially if its not treated or is only partially treated. Sometimes the people who live with a depressed person are better at spotting the signs of a relapse sooner than the person himself. Increasing isolation is often a symptom of depression, as is sadness, expressions of worthlessness, and sleeping or eating too much or too little.

“Depression is the leading illness for suicide, so the deeper the depression gets or the longer it goes on, the more discouraged the person experiencing it feels,” says Paula Clayton, MD, the medical director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. “If you have a brief depression, say three or four months, and then get over it, I doubt youre as vulnerable as someone who has depression that lasts one or two years and despite alltreatmentsdoesnt get better.”

In people with bipolar disorder, —a condition in which bouts of depression are interspersed with periods ofmania, —suicide most often occurs while the person is depressed rather than manic.

Signs of anxiety or agitation
Suicide is associated not just withdepressive symptoms, but even more so with the anxiety and agitation that often accompany depression. According to Ken Robbins, MD, a clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Wisconsin, in Madison, about half of the people who are diagnosed with depression experience “melancholic depression,” which features the classic symptoms associated with the disorder: listlessness, fatigue, loss of appetite, a desire to be alone.

另一半体验什么被称为“激动depression,” which has a very different symptom profile. Anxiety is the main symptom, says Dr. Robbins, but these people may also experience restlessness, difficulty sleeping, and trouble focusing.

“People who are agitated are more at risk for suicide because anxiety is so uncomfortable,” says Dr. Robbins. “Usually people with melancholic depression dont have the energy or the motivation to think about killing themselves. They just want to be left alone, and they dont really have the initiative to start thinking about doing something so dramatic as hurting themselves. Anxiety, however, drives people to do things to get rid of the discomfort.”

Feelings of guilt

Madelyn Gould, PhD, a professor of clinical epidemiology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, in New York City, says that excessive and inappropriate feelings of guilt—a common symptom of depression and anxiety—are something to be on the lookout for as well.

“You start to feel guilty about things—letting people down—and someone else whos listening would say, ‘But youre not,” says Gould. “Its just this very unrealistic guilt.”

Drug use or drinking too much
Drug use and excessive alcohol use—which some agitated and anxious people turn to for relief—are warning signs for suicide, says Dr. Clayton. “You might not be an alcoholic or a drug abuser, but if you take things to make yourself feel better or to numb you, that makes you more vulnerable because it impairs your judgment and makes your thinking not as clear,” she says.

Substance use can also contribute to impulsivity, Dr. Clayton adds. Studies have shown that up to 80% of all suicide attempts are done on the spur of the moment, with very little planning.

In addition to the symptoms of depression and anxiety, there are a number of concrete clues that could signal that someone is planning a suicide attempt. If they are stockpiling prescription medications, it could be a sign of a planned overdose, for instance.

Purchasing a gun
One of the loudest and clearest warning signs is buying a gun. Access to a firearm in the home significantly increases the risk of a suicide—by up to 10 times, according to a 2008 article in the New England Journal of Medicine. Guns account for less than 10% of all suicide attempts, but those involving guns are far more likely to be fatal.

“Two to one, men complete suicide more often than women,” says Dr. Robbins. “And its largely because of the method they choose, not because of the intent that they have. Men tend to use firearms; women tend to take overdoses.”

Suicide-related Internet searches
Signs that someone is considering suicide may also show up on a computer. For instance, a Web-browser history may show that a person has been researching suicide and ways to kill him or herself, Dr. Clayton says. “With a teen, especially, parents should be monitoring Facebook or MySpace,” she adds.

Asking about suicidal impulses does not “put ideas” in a persons head, says Dr. Robbins. If youre concerned about suicide, you need to ask the person about it directly. If the person has access to guns, medications, or other items that could be used for self-harm, get rid of them. Most importantly, you should contact a health professional.