She's in "no rush" to lose weight.


Last week,Jessica Simpson made headlines当她宣布如果失去了100磅x months since giving birth to her daughter Birdie Mae. Now, Amy Schumer's making a similar announcement—and putting an extremely "Amy Schumer" spin on it.

On Monday, Amy shared a photo of herself on the beach with her sister Kim while wearing a two-piece swimsuit: a black crop-top with matching high-waisted bottoms. Amy gave a shout-out to Jessica in her caption: "Ok Simpson," she wrote. "I've lost 10 pounds and 100 dollars to my sister playing poker. #norush #givememymoneybackkim."

Just a reminder: Amy gave birth to her son Gene Attell Fischer nearly five months ago after a particularly tough pregnancy, dealing with a condition calledhyperemesis gravidarum, or severe nausea and vomiting.

Amy, of course, didn't hold back when it came to that news, either, posting from her hospital bed to ler her fans know what was up. "I have hyperemesis and it blows," Amy wrote in the Instagram caption, shared nearly a year ago. "Very lucky to be pregnant but this is some bullshit!"

She continued her Instagram sharing when she posted photos of herself five weeks after giving birth in a pair of hospital underwear. "Hospital underwear for life," Amy wrote in the caption. (She also took to Instagram days later to say "sorry, not sorry" to those who criticized her postnatal hospital underwear look.)

As for her most recent Instagram share, it's clear that fans are loving her honesty about her postnatal body and "no rush" sentiments. "You look incredible. Plus your body created another human. You rock" wrote one commenter, while another shared, "You are so real and that’s what we love about you most!!!" Even more thanked Amy for showing that post-pregnancyweight lossisn't immediate—and that that's totally ok.

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