









无糖酸奶加水果通常是一个明智的选择。但是在一些快餐店里,你得注意有没有额外的甜味剂。例如,浏览Panera Bread的混合浆果冻糕希腊酸奶的成分列表,你会发现五种不同的成分添加糖的种类(包括糖蜜、红糖和枫糖浆)。虽然浆果中含有一些天然糖分,但添加的糖分可能占了30克的大部分。相反,选择Panera的钢切燕麦片杏仁、藜麦和蜂蜜,它只含有7克糖。



你可能不认为番茄汤是甜的。但是看一下标签,第二种成分(在西红柿泥之后)很可能是高果糖玉米糖浆。以每个人童年最爱的金宝汤(Campbell’s condensed tomato soup)为例:一罐含有30克糖。为了控制摄入量,坚持标签上列出的食用分量——只要半杯——其中含有12克糖。然后拌入一些蔬菜,比如切碎的菠菜或切碎的西葫芦,以增加体积并添加额外的营养。


很明显,含糖谷类食品不如粗粮谷类食品健康。但如果麦片是你的首选甜食,你可能会惊讶地发现,在一个大碗里你能放多少糖。例如,四分之三杯的Honey Smacks(相当于四分之三的棒球)含有16克糖。如果你把碗里的糖量增加一倍,你就会吞下32克——差不多30个小熊软糖的量。




辛西娅, MPH, RD,是健康的特约营养编辑a纽约时报畅销书作家,纽约洋基队和布鲁克林篮网队的顾问。

It sounds like you’re pretty mindful of your sugar intake, or perhaps you don’t have a sweet tooth. In either case, your intake doesn’t sound excessive. If you enjoy some can’t-live-without sweet treats on occasion, keep doing so. And don’t forget to focus on the healthfulness of the remainder of your diet. Include plenty of veggies, along with lean protein; healthy fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts; and moderate portions of good carbs, like fresh fruit, sweet potato, and quinoa.

", "result_title": "You're not eating too much sugar", "result_related_links": { "_type": "links-list", "title": "Related Links", "items": [ { "text": "6 Surprising Foods That Pack a Day's Worth of Added Sugar" }, { "text": "9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good" }, { "text": "How to Eiminate Sugar From Your Diet in 21 Days" }, { "text": "12 Foods You Need to Stop Buying - and 17 You Should Eat More" } ] } }, { "result_starting_range": 7, "result_ending_range": 11, "result_description": "

It sounds like you have some room to curb your added sugar consumption. Perhaps you didn’t know about lesser-known sources like ketchup. Or maybe you didn’t realize just how frequently you were consuming sugary foods until now. Whatever the case, start by becoming a bit of a sugar sleuth. Read ingredient lists and look for sugar grams per serving on labels. Next, try some simple swaps that will still leave you feeling satisfied. For example, opting for two squares of dark chocolate in place of a few cookies can slash several grams of added sugar.


Also, up your intake of fresh food. The AHA limits do not include sugars added to food by Mother Nature, like the sugar in fresh fruit or carrots. That means an apple with nuts or hummus with veggies are good snack choices.

", "result_title": "You're probably eating a moderate amount of sugar", "result_related_links": { "_type": "links-list", "title": "Related Links", "items": [ { "text": "10 Easy Ways to Slash Sugar From Your Diet" }, { "text": "6 Really Good Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Sugar" }, { "text": "6 Surprising Foods That Pack a Day's Worth of Added Sugar" }, { "text": "How to Ease Withdrawal Symptoms When You Quit Sugar, According to a Nutritionist" }, { "text": "9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good" } ] } }, { "result_starting_range": 12, "result_ending_range": 16, "result_description": "

Based on your responses you’re likely getting too much added sugar. To cut back, set one goal at a time. For example, start by replacing sugary drinks with plain or sparkling H2O. Next, identify the sugary foods you feel you can realistically forego. For example, maybe you find a veggie and avocado omelet even more appealing than a bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast. If so, try to make the time in the a.m.


Next, consider reducing the frequency of sweet treats rather than swearing them off completely. Make your favorites special splurges, and pass on options you can live without. As you gradually reduce your sugar intake you’ll probably notice an increase in your energy level, a reduction in cravings, and bonus benefits, like clearer skin and better sleep.

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