Uh-oh. That treat comes with some not-so-sweet side effects.
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We all know to go easy on the sweet stuff, but what actually happens to your system when you indulge? Here, eight ways sugar affects your body.

Your brain suffers

Fructose—the sugar that naturally occurs in fruit and is a component, with glucose, of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and table sugar—lights up the brain's reward center, says pediatric endocrinologist Robert Lustig, MD, of UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital in San Francisco. But over time, a diet packed with fructose (especially from HFCS) can make it tougher to learn and remember, animal research suggests. To stay in peak mental shape, try sticking with savory snacks.

You want to eat more

By revving the brain's reward and appetite center, fructose can interfere with feelings of satiety, research reveals. Translation: That extra cookie may not curb your craving after all.

Skin ages faster

Too much sugar can hinder the repair of collagen, the buzzed-about protein that keeps skin looking plump, studies show. A steady diet of sugary treats can result in reduced elasticity andpremature wrinkles. Indulge your sweet tooth with fruit instead. Experts say it's A-OK to eat two to four servings of the natural sugar source each day.

Excess sugar is stored as fat

Pause before you slip that additional packet into your a.m. coffee. The liver has an innate capacity to metabolize sugar and use it for energy—but only to an extent, explains Dr. Lustig. The fructose that's left over is converted into fat in the liver, raising your risk ofobesity,type 2 diabetes, andcardiovascular disease.

Your cells pay a steep price

Fructose accelerates the usual oxidation process in our cells, says Dr. Lustig. The result? Proteins, tissues, and organs can become damaged, and our risk of health conditions, including liver disease, kidney failure, andcataracts, rises.

You get hooked

吃糖会导致多巴胺的释放neurotransmitter that makes us like something and want more of it. "As dopamine receptor neurons get overstimulated, the number of receptors to bind to decreases, so you'll need a bigger hit of dopamine to get the same rush," explains Dr. Lustig.

Stress eating begets stress

Sweets can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol in the near term, research shows. But continue OD'ing on sugary refined carbs and your risk of insulin resistance, which stresses the body from the inside, goes up. To find your calm, sweat instead: "Exercise is the best treatment for stress. It makes you feel good and reduces cortisol," says Dr. Lustig.

Energy surges, then bottoms out

Refined carbs, like those in white bread and pasta, quickly cause a rise in glucose in the bloodstream, so you might feel extra energized—for a while. But this short-term fix can actually leave you more sluggish later on (when you eventually crash). Instead, opt forprotein-rich snacksbetween meals, such as Greek yogurt with fresh berries or fresh veggies and hummus. They help stabilize blood sugar and keep you going longer.

It sounds like you’re pretty mindful of your sugar intake, or perhaps you don’t have a sweet tooth. In either case, your intake doesn’t sound excessive. If you enjoy some can’t-live-without sweet treats on occasion, keep doing so. And don’t forget to focus on the healthfulness of the remainder of your diet. Include plenty of veggies, along with lean protein; healthy fats like avocado, extra virgin olive oil, and nuts; and moderate portions of good carbs, like fresh fruit, sweet potato, and quinoa.

", "result_title": "You're not eating too much sugar", "result_related_links": { "_type": "links-list", "title": "Related Links", "items": [ { "text": "6 Surprising Foods That Pack a Day's Worth of Added Sugar" }, { "text": "9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good" }, { "text": "How to Eiminate Sugar From Your Diet in 21 Days" }, { "text": "12 Foods You Need to Stop Buying - and 17 You Should Eat More" } ] } }, { "result_starting_range": 7, "result_ending_range": 11, "result_description": "

It sounds like you have some room to curb your added sugar consumption. Perhaps you didn’t know about lesser-known sources like ketchup. Or maybe you didn’t realize just how frequently you were consuming sugary foods until now. Whatever the case, start by becoming a bit of a sugar sleuth. Read ingredient lists and look for sugar grams per serving on labels. Next, try some simple swaps that will still leave you feeling satisfied. For example, opting for two squares of dark chocolate in place of a few cookies can slash several grams of added sugar.


Also, up your intake of fresh food. The AHA limits do not include sugars added to food by Mother Nature, like the sugar in fresh fruit or carrots. That means an apple with nuts or hummus with veggies are good snack choices.

", "result_title": "You're probably eating a moderate amount of sugar", "result_related_links": { "_type": "links-list", "title": "Related Links", "items": [ { "text": "10 Easy Ways to Slash Sugar From Your Diet" }, { "text": "6 Really Good Things That Happen to Your Body When You Quit Sugar" }, { "text": "6 Surprising Foods That Pack a Day's Worth of Added Sugar" }, { "text": "How to Ease Withdrawal Symptoms When You Quit Sugar, According to a Nutritionist" }, { "text": "9 Ways to Quit Sugar for Good" } ] } }, { "result_starting_range": 12, "result_ending_range": 16, "result_description": "

Based on your responses you’re likely getting too much added sugar. To cut back, set one goal at a time. For example, start by replacing sugary drinks with plain or sparkling H2O. Next, identify the sugary foods you feel you can realistically forego. For example, maybe you find a veggie and avocado omelet even more appealing than a bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast. If so, try to make the time in the a.m.


Next, consider reducing the frequency of sweet treats rather than swearing them off completely. Make your favorites special splurges, and pass on options you can live without. As you gradually reduce your sugar intake you’ll probably notice an increase in your energy level, a reduction in cravings, and bonus benefits, like clearer skin and better sleep.

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