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Bob Harperrecently reached a “BIG” milestone on his road to recovery after sufferinga near-fatal heart attackearlier this year.

The 51-year-oldBiggest Losertrainer and host recently completed rehab, just months after he collapsed on the floor of a New York gym.

“Yesterday was a BIG DAY in my recovery from my heart attack. I finished my cardiac rehab,” Harper captioned anInstagram photoon Thursday.

“It has been super important to me and also HUMBLING. All the support that I’ve been getting from all my IG friends helped me when it was tough so THANK YOU for all the love and support.#heartattacksurvivor.”

In the sweet photo, a pink heart is drawn on a chalkboard decorated with “Rehab 36/36”.

Harper suffered the heart attack on Feb. 12 at New York City’s BRICK gym and later learned that he became sick due to high levels of a particle in his blood calledLipoprotein(a), which is a hereditary condition.

The fitness guru has said he only survived the massive heart attack because two doctors happened to be in the gym at the time.

Since the incident, Harper has documented his road to recovery on social media, sharing anInstagram videoof his return to the gym.

“Last Sunday was a BIG and super emotional day for me,” he wrote alongside the clip of him exercising.

“Not only was I able to really do my first @crossfit workout again, I did it in the room where I had my heart attack AND I did it in the exact same spot where I went down into cardiac arrest.”

This Story Originally Appeared OnPeople